[Tutor] Self, Scopes and my unbelievable muddleheadedness.
doug shawhan
doug.shawhan at gmail.com
Thu Oct 26 00:21:49 CEST 2006
I'm having a rather difficult time understanding the proper use of "self".
I have two functions (yes, they are ugly, I was getting ready to split them
in to smaller bits when this particular hole in my skull opened up) in a
module. They use the same list of dictionaries to create some tables in a
gadfly database.
I know I could fix this in any number of ways (including, but not limited
to, acting on the same input list twice, or acting on it in such a fashion
in the first place), but I am trying to actually understand "self".
Here's the horrid, horrid mess:
class Create:
def freshDB(self, DBPATH, Fields):
self.Fields = Fields
for field in self.Fields.keys():
columns = self.Fields[field]
columns = columns.split(',')
query = ''
for each in columns:
query = "%s, %s varchar"%(query,each)
query = query[1:]
query = "Create Table %s (%s)"%(field,query)
self.Fields[field] = query
connection = gadfly.gadfly()
connection.startup("InventoryDB", DBPATH)
cursor = connection.cursor()
for field in self.Fields.keys():
for field in self.Fields.keys():
cursor.execute("Select * from %s"%field)
print cursor.pp()
def comparisonTable(self, DBPATH, Fields, columns, mode):
query = ""
if mode == 'new':
connection = gadfly.gadfly("InventoryDB",DBPATH)
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("drop table comparison")
print "No old table found."
columns = Fields["Common"].split(',')
for each in columns:
query = "%s, %s varchar"%(query,each)
query = query[1:]
query = "Create Table comparison (%s)"%query
cursor.execute("select * from comparison")
print cursor.pp()
Now when I run freshDB from the other script:
Fields = {"Common":"Inventory_Number, Stock_Number, Location, Year, Make,
Model, Part_Type, Mileage, Description, Interchange_Data, Condition, Price",
"EvilBay":"EvilBay_Title, EvilBay_Description",
"HappyBase":"HappyBase_Description, HappyBase_Long_Description"}
d = DBMod
d.Create().freshDB(DBPATH, Fields)
d.Create().comparisonTable(DBPATH, Fields, columns, "new")
the resulting query is:
Create Table comparison ( Inventory_Number varchar, Stock_Number varchar,
Location varchar, Year varchar, Make varchar, Model varchar, Part_Type
varchar, Mileage varchar, Description varchar, Interchange_Data varchar,
Condition varchar, Price varchar)
The query from comparisonTable gives me:
Create Table comparison ( Create Table Common ( Inventory_Number varchar
varchar, Stock_Number varchar varchar, Location varchar varchar, Year
varchar varchar, Make varchar varchar, Model varchar varchar,
Part_Type varchar varchar, Mileage varchar varchar, Description varchar
varchar, Interchange_Data varchar varchar, Condition varchar varchar,
Price varchar) varchar)
If I restate the "Fields" input list before running comparisonTable, my
results are as expected (i.e. exactly like the first query, exept the table
is named "comparison").
I thought that when "self" was invoked for a function then that data was
acted on only for the scope of that function, yet the data is changed in the
original. Why?
I'm sure this is so obvious that a crack-addled tapeworm head down in a
bucket of stupid could understand it, unfortunately, I'm not quite at that
level today. Sorry.
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