[Tutor] Mailing list question

Jorge Azedo jazedo at netcabo.pt
Fri Oct 27 00:07:36 CEST 2006

Danny Yoo wrote:
>>> Not so much a question about Python, but here goes:
>>> How do I reply to a specific thread in the mailing list? If I place 
>>> "Re:bla bla"  in the subject line, I notice that I start a new 
>>> thread, I don't continue one that already exists. How do I go about 
>>> doing this? Thanks for any info
>> What e-mail client are you using?  Most have a reply-to-all button 
>> you can use so that you won't have to start a new message to reply to 
>> someone.
> There's a little bit of extra information that Mailman uses to detect 
> threads.  The archives don't cluster messages based on the subject 
> line, but instead use a specific header value whose name I'm 
> completely forgetting right now... *grin* (I think it's the 
> 'In-Reply-To' header line.)  Your email client should be the one 
> responsible for maintaining that threading information.
I'm trying to use the Reply All button on my mail client (I use 
Thunderbird, by the way) like you guys suggested. Let's see if it works  

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