[Tutor] move forward in arbitrary direction

Jonathon Sisson sisson.j at gmail.com
Fri Oct 27 23:07:56 CEST 2006

The "something" you're stuck on is the angle the triangle has rotated, 
measured in radians.  If the concept of radians is not familiar, then 
here's a quick review:

There are 2*pi radians in a complete circle (about 6.28)
There are 360 degrees in a complete circle
1 radian is approximately 57 degrees

Going by radians, 0.0*pi is pointing to the right, 0.5*pi is pointing 
down, 1.0*pi is pointing to the left, and 1.5*pi is pointing straight up.

Keep in mind that python has a math function radians(x), which converts 
"x" degrees to radians.  If you use that, you can use degrees instead 
and convert on the fly.  (i.e. something to the effect of: 
math.cos(math.radians(degrees)) would give you the change in vector[0]).
If you would rather use radians, keep in mind that the python math 
module also has the pi constant, which is pretty self explanatory...

Hope that helps you...


Michael Shulman wrote:
> Hello, I have what should be a basic math question, but I keep messing 
> it up.
> How do I code an equation so that when I have an object facing an 
> arbitrary vector, pressing a key will make it move forwards in that 
> direction?
> (I understand all the key-based setup, it's just the equation for moving 
> in the arbitrary vector direction that's got me stuck)
> right now i can make something move up and down, or left and right, but 
> if I want to rotate a triangle, then move it so that the 'tip' always 
> points in the direction it's going to move, I get stuck.
> the thing I have which doesn't work is something like
> _____________________
> vector = [0 0 0]
> def specialKey(key,x,y):
>     if key  == 'up':
>        vector[0] = vector[0] + 1
> _______________________
> which I assume should be more like
> --------------------------------
> vector = [0 0 0]
> def specialKey(key,x,y):
>     if key  == 'up':
>        vector[0] =  vector[0] * math.cos(something???)+ 1
>        vector[2] =  vector[2] * math.sin(something??)+1
> ----------------------------------
> Any help would be greatly appreciated!
> ty, Mike
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