[Tutor] Question about startswith() and endswith() in 2.5

Carroll, Barry Barry.Carroll at psc.com
Mon Sep 25 18:04:55 CEST 2006

> -----Original Message-----
> Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2006 02:59:45 -0700
> From: Dick Moores <rdm at rcblue.com>
> Subject: [Tutor] Question about startswith() and endswith() in 2.5
> To: tutor at python.org
> Message-ID: < at rcblue.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed
> http://www.python.org/doc/lib/string-methods.html has
> =============================================
> startswith( prefix[, start[, end]])
> Return True if string starts with the prefix, otherwise return False.
> prefix can also be a tuple of suffixes to look for. With optional
> start, test string beginning at that position. With optional end,
> stop comparing string at that position.
> Changed in version 2.5: Accept tuples as prefix.
> ==============================================
> and
> ================================================
> endswith( suffix[, start[, end]])
> Return True if the string ends with the specified suffix, otherwise
> return False. suffix can also be a tuple of suffixes to look for.
> With optional start, test beginning at that position. With optional
> end, stop comparing at that position.
> Changed in version 2.5: Accept tuples as suffix.
> ==================================================
> Through experimentation I now see a use for a tuple in which start
> and end are indexes (as with the startswith() and endswith() of
>  >>> s = "qwerty"
>  >>>
>  >>> s.startswith("er",2,3)
> False
>  >>>
>  >>> s.startswith("er",2,4)
> True
>  >>>
> but
>  >>> s.startswith("er","q","ty")
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File "<pyshell#55>", line 1, in <module>
>      s.startswith("er","q","ty")
> TypeError: slice indices must be integers or None or have an __index__
> method
> On http://docs.python.org/whatsnew/other-lang.html I found
> ==================================================
> The startswith() and endswith() methods of string types now accept
> tuples of strings to check for.
> def is_image_file (filename):
>      return filename.endswith(('.gif', '.jpg', '.tiff'))
> ====================================================
> This is the only example I've been able to find in the documentation
> that uses the new tuple of strings, and I don't understand it. The
> function is_image_file() will return filenames ending in '.gif', but
> what do '.jpg' (as start) and '.tiff' (as end) do? What kind of
> data(?) would this function be applied to? A Python list of filenames?
> Thanks,
> Dick Moores

Hello, Dick.

Let's compare your final startswith method and the endswith method in

filename.endswith(('.gif', '.jpg', '.tiff'))

Notice that, while startswith has THREE parameters, endswith has only
ONE.  ('.gif', '.jpg', '.tiff') is a tuple, and the interpreter sees it
as a single parameter.  In other words your method is passing the
following parameters: 

	prefix = "er"
	start = "q"
	end = "ty

while the example method is passing:

	suffix = ('.gif', '.jpg', '.tiff')
	start = None
	end = None

Does that make sense?

Good luck.  

barry.carroll at psc.com
We who cut mere stones must always be envisioning cathedrals.

-Quarry worker's creed

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