[Tutor] Building Project Management Software

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Wed Apr 4 01:15:31 CEST 2007

"Will Shattuck" <willshattuck at gmail.com> wrote

> I'm a beginning Python programmer and a beginning programmer in
> general.  I have a need to fill, but I can't seem to find any 
> software
> out there that currently meets my needs.  So, I'm wanting to try to
> build it using Python, however I am very new to everything.
> So I want this Project Management software to be able to hold 
> multiple
> projects, with tasks and sub tasks.  In those tasks are placed for
> notes, and notes about progress, etc.

Given there is a plethora of project management software available at
any price ranging from free to thousands of dollars can you give us
some idea of why you can't use a standard package? Are there any
special features you need?

> What I don't know how to do is where to start.  I know this is
> probably a very open ended question, but where would the
> best place to start be?

If you really want to build your own - and its quite an ambitious
project for a newbie - The first thing will be to learn to program
in Python. Write small applications first. They may be related
to your big project - just manually maintaining a list of tasks
sorted by due date would be a good start. Only after you feel
comfortable using Python for basic tools should you start to
think about a major project. And even then break it down into
its most minimal form, use it as a tool to record the base data
and automate a few baic tasks initially then add more automation
over time. Don't worry too much about GUI interfaces or Web
front ends they can be added later.

Finally consider starting with an existing tool and tweaking it.
WhatWhat status is an example of a free package that
takes very different approach to project management from
apps like MS Project etc. and is written in Python


For a more traditional option look at GanntProject


Its in Java rather than Python.

And now for something completely different:


also in Python....

Do any of these come close to what you want? If so you may
be better starting there.

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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