[Tutor] ANN: Next NYC Python User Group meeting, Tues May 8th, 2007, 6:30 pm

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Wed Apr 11 19:35:15 CEST 2007

Luke Paireepinart wrote:
> John Clark wrote:
>> My apologies for the comical timing of the below announcement - I 
>> actually sent the announcement on April 4th, but it obviously didn't 
>> clear the moderator's desk in time for the meeting mentioned below.  
>> In an attempt to avoid this same problem, let me announce next month's 
>> meeting now.
> Is this list moderated?
> I seem to be able to send replies and such at pretty much any time, and 
> the other people get them right away.

Posts by non-members are moderated. I usually take care of them the same 
day they are posted. Once you join your posts are not moderated. I don't 
recall seeing any posts about the NYC user group in the moderator's 
queue, maybe something else was responsible for the delay.


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