[Tutor] Seeking python projects

Adam Gomaa list at adamgomaa.com
Thu Apr 19 02:34:14 CEST 2007

Writing your own programs is a good idea. However, this is primarily a
good idea with small programs. For example, when learning Python, I
wrote a set of backup scripts for my computer; I still use them and
they've served me well.

If you want to write 'complete applications,' you're probably better off
helping with a project that has already started. This is important for a
few reasons. First, you'll learn about Python packaging and
documentation standards, and possibly things like unit tests as well.
These are things that often escape new programmers, but are very
important for large-scale projects. Second, you'll be far more likely to
make a contribution this way. If you decide to implement your own
py(insert App Name here), you'll probably never get done. Scratch that,
you'll almost certainly never get done (I speak from experience). Find a
open-source Python project that needs someone (Sourceforge actually has
a 'job listings' page) and help them out instead. You'll learn a lot of
practical things and quickly become a better programmer, as opposed to
simply reimplementing the same mistakes over and over as I did :-)

Asrar Kadri wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I want to practice Python programming by developing complete applications.
> Where can I get such problems, which can improve my Python programming
> skills.
> Thanks in anticipation.
> Regards,
> Asrar
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