[Tutor] StringIO and dictionaries

Bob Gailer bgailer at alum.rpi.edu
Mon Apr 30 18:43:03 CEST 2007

Necmettin Begiter wrote:
> I want to run an external python script inside my script. So here is what I 
> came up with:
> Print codename for testing purposes.
> Define an empty dictionary.
> Read the file.
> Do StringIO assignments and run the code.
> Get the outputs and append them to the dictionary.
> Print the outputs for testing purposes.
> The code:
> codeOut= {}
> codeErr= {}
> Print codename for testing purposes:
> 	print codename
> Note: codename is a parameter that is passed to the function for the first 
> parts (keys) of codeOut and codeErr dictionaries; and it prints the given 
> name (deneme in this case) correctly.
> Read the file:
> 	localfile= open(filename,'r')
> 	code2run= localfile.readlines()
> 	localfile.close()
> Do StringIO assignments and run the code:
> 	codOut= StringIO.StringIO()
> 	codErr= StringIO.StringIO()
> 	sys.stdout= codOut
> 	sys.stderr= codErr
> 	exec code2run
> 	sys.stdout= sys.__stdout__
> 	sys.stderr= sys.__stderr__
> Get the outputs and append them to the dictionary.
> 	erroroutput= codErr.getvalue()
> 	normaloutput= codOut.getvalue()
> 	codeOut.append({codename:erroroutput})
I'm confused when you "assign" errorputput to codeOut and normaloutput 
to codeErr.

Also unclear why you use dictionaries in the first place.

When I run this program from a command prompt I get:
File "begiter.py", line 21, in <module>
AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'append'

However when I run it from my IDE (PythonWin) the traceback does not 
show. In fact sys.stdout= sys.__stdout__  does not restore the print to 
the interactive window.

So there are 2 problems. Fix the first by either
or (preferred):

> 	codeErr.append({codename:normaloutput})
> Print the outputs (just for testing):
> 	print codename
> 	print normaloutput
> 	print erroroutput
> 	print codeOut
> 	print codeErr
> And I get nothing. 
> Is there something I am doing wrong? Because I have read 
> the parts on dictionaries and stringio and googled, but I can't find the 
> problem. Any comments, suggestions? Or could someone please tell me if there 
> is something wrong with my code?

Bob Gailer

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