[Tutor] Python Book Recommendations [Was:[Re: Security]]

Dick Moores rdm at rcblue.com
Sat Aug 18 06:28:08 CEST 2007

At 08:19 AM 8/17/2007, Chris Calloway wrote:
>bhaaluu wrote:
> > Perhaps these concerns should be directed to either the
> > maintainers of Python.Org ( http://python.org/ ), or to
> > the author of the Software Carpentry Course?
>I sent a pointer both to the lead maintainer (Dr. Greg Wilson at Univ.
>Toronto) and to Titus Brown who, along with Chris Lasher, is having a
>Software Carpentry sprint at SciPy'07 at Caltech tomorrow. So this is a
>timely observation. :) Titus wrote back that it "sure does sound wrong,"
>so I would bet on it getting fixed tomorrow.
>SWC has been around since 1998. It started as an 800KUSD Dept. of Energy
>project at Los Alamos for a design competition with cash prizes. It
>resulted in several tools including Roundup and SCons. It received
>27KUSD in funding from the PSF in 2006. It is taught to scientists at
>Univ of Toronto, Indiana Univ, and Caltech. Dr. Wilson wrote about it in
>the magazine of Sigma Xi:
>It has moved around a lot. It's current official home is on scipy.org:
>There are several links to older SWC URLs on python.org. None of them
>are in the wiki where they could be easily fixed, however.

Chris, THANK YOU, especially for the link, <http://www.swc.scipy.org/>.

My thanks also to Alan, Wesley, and bhaaluu. What a great list Tutor is!

An appreciative noob,

Dick Moores

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