[Tutor] Starting classes

Ara Kooser ghashsnaga at gmail.com
Fri Aug 31 21:06:01 CEST 2007

  I read Alan Gauld's and How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
section on classes. So I tried to write a simple room class. My goal
is to write a short text adventure using classes. Here is the code:

class Area:
    def _init_(self, name, description):
        self.name = name

    def look(here):
        "Look around the place you are in"
        print here.description

outside1 = Area("Outside")
outside1.description = "You are standing outside with the town gate to
your back"


I get the following error.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/ara/Documents/text_advent.py", line 11, in <module>
    outside1 = Area("Outside")
TypeError: this constructor takes no arguments

Do the outside1 = Area("Outside) need to be nested in the class or can
they be outside of it?

Thank you.


Quis hic locus, quae regio, quae mundi plaga. Ubi sum. Sub ortu solis
an sub cardine glacialis ursae.

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