[Tutor] While Loops and Modules

earlylight publishing earlylightpublishing at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 6 06:44:09 CET 2007

Hello again to all the wonderfully helpful folks on this list.  Today I did my Google homework and I found this neat bit of code for a countdown timer.
  import time
import threading
class Timer(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, seconds):
        self.runTime = seconds
    def run(self):
        print "Buzzz!!! Time's up!"
  t = Timer(30)
  I don't understand large chunks of it (don't know what threading, self, or __init__ mean) but that's not important at the moment.  It works and I will learn the vocab eventually.
  I also wrote this bit of code for a math challenge which comes in the next part of my game.
  import random
startNum = random.choice(range(1, 9))
newNum = startNum + 7
score = 0
print 'Start with the number ', startNum, '.  Then continuously add 7 to that number until the timer runs out.  You have 30 seconds.'
answer = int(raw_input('Enter your answer: '))
  if newNum == answer:
    print 'That is correct!  Keep going.'
    score = score + 5
    print 'Your score is ', score
    print 'That is incorrect.  Please try again.'
  I understand this part just fine 'cause I actually wrote it myself.  
  What I need to do now is put these two parts together so that the player will keep adding 7 to the starting number for 30 seconds then the loop breaks.  I know I need a loop of some sort and I'm guessing it's a 'while' sort of thing.  I couldn't find what I was looking for when I Googled.  I'm not even sure I knew the right search terms.  Does anyone know how I'd combine these two modules to make it work?

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