[Tutor] Python Versions

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Fri Dec 14 09:57:42 CET 2007

"Gman" <gmoonn at gmail.com> wrote in message

>>>> # Filename: func_param.py
>>>> def printMax(a, b):
> >>>if a > b:
>          print a, 'is maximum'
>       else:
>           print b, 'is maximum'
> printMax(3, 4)
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax

OK, I think this is because you have tried to use the function
before you finished defining it. And this is not your fault its the 

When you use the >>> prompt you must enter each new
command at a >>> prompt. If the >>> isn;t there it means
IDLE still thinks you are entering part of the previous command.
In this case thats the function definition.

So if you just hit return a couple of times at the end of the
function you will get back to >>> where you can then enter
the last line and it should work.

So it should look like (from Pythonwin rather than IDLE):

>>> def printMax(a, b):
...  if a > b:
...     print a, 'is maximum'
...  else:
...     print b, 'is maximum'
>>> printMax(3, 4)
4 is maximum


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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