[Tutor] Learning about callbaks

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sun Dec 30 10:17:42 CET 2007

"Michael Bernhard Arp Sørensen" <michaelarpsorensen at stevnstrup.dk> 

> Greetings, my master.

Nah, there are no masters on the tutor list, we are all learning 
just at different stages. If you really want the masters go to
comp.lang.python! :-)

> I'm writing a game based on curses.

OK, That gives us a much better context from which to work.

> My imidiate problem is when I select "Quit" from the menu, I need to
> send the string back to the caller/parent class for evaluation.

For a good quick tutorial on programming menus in curses try
David Metz' article from his excellent Charming Python series
- a resouerce every Python programmer should read IMHO...


> Off topic: I must say that I'm amazed by this tutor thing.

Yes, the Python tutor list is one of the best features of Python.

> I hope I can repay the python community some day when
> I'm smart enough. :-)

Just keep reading and when you one day see a question you
can answer jump in! Participation is the life blood of Open
Source software at every level.


Alan G.

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