[Tutor] Get variable values [Introduction to Planet RSS news aggregator] (fwd)

Mário Gamito gamito at gmail.com
Fri Feb 2 22:27:17 CET 2007


Danny Yoo wrote:
> Have you tried asking for help from the planet devel list?
Yes, but the list is comfortably numb :(

>  From what I understand, Planet does it own on-disk caching already: it 
> really does look like you're trying to implement something that Planet 
> already does internally.
Yes it does.
But I want to put the feeds data into the database to make pagination 
(as is, in planetplanet once a new article arrives, the last goes to the 
oblivion), subscribe only certain categories from a blog, censor some 
nasty article, etc.
Planetplanet doesn't have nothing of this.

> There's a refactored version of "Planet Planet" called "Planet Venus" 
> which may be helpful for you:
Yes, i know, i've already its docs.

Mário Gamito

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