[Tutor] comparing almost equal strings

thomas coopman thomas.coopman at gmail.com
Fri Feb 9 07:44:43 CET 2007


On Thu, 08 Feb
2007 13:07:41 +0100
Christopher Arndt <chris.arndt at web.de> wrote:

> thomas coopman schrieb:
> > I need a function that groups almost equal strings.  It seems most
> > easy to me, to do this with a hash function.
> What do you mean be "almost equal"? By which criterium? Spelling,
> Pronounciation? Semantics?
> > I think I once read something about it, but I can't find it, 
> > does somebody know how to do this?
> Maybe you mean the "soundex" algorithm? See, for example, here:
> http://diveintopython.org/performance_tuning/index.html

This is what I was looking for!
> Chris
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