[Tutor] Python referrence

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Fri Feb 9 20:54:57 CET 2007

johnf wrote:
> Hi,
> In the Visual Fox Pro world there is a help file that allows look ups / 
> searchs for functions, etc... just plain reference infomation.  I.e. if I 
> were interested in the MAX() function I would just type Max() and get a page 
> that contained a description of how to use MAX() and what it returned along 
> with other similar type functions and maybe a few examples.
> Is there a Python tool/document that is similar?  Just a simple way to help 
> understand.

I just keep a couple of browser bookmarks to pages in the HTML docs. Any 
thing I want to know is just a few clicks away. It helps that I know 
where to find what I want in the docs, though.


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