[Tutor] Why doesn't it choose a new number each time?

Nathan Pinno falcon3166 at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 14 00:11:20 CET 2007

Hey all,
I wrote a rock, paper, scissors game and every time you play without exiting, it chooses the same number. How can I fix this problem? The relative code is below:
# -*- coding: cp1252 -*-from random import *
print "Welcome to Rock, Paper, or Scissors!"print "by Nathan Pinno"print "© 2007. All rights reserved."printwhile 1:    answer = int(raw_input("Would you like to play a game? 1 for yes and 2 for no. "))    if answer == 1:        compchoice = choice(range(3))        humanchoice = int(raw_input("Enter 1 for rock, 2 for paper, and 3 for scissors. "))        if compchoice == 1:            print "AI chose rock."            if humanchoice == 1:                print "You chose rock. Tie game."            elif humanchoice == 2:                print "You chose paper. You win!"            elif humanchoice == 3:                print "You chose scissors. You lost!"            else:                print "That's not an option. Choose again."        elif compchoice == 2:            print "AI chose paper."            if humanchoice == 1:                print "You chose rock. You lost!"            elif humanchoice == 2:                print "You chose paper. Tie game."            elif humanchoice == 3:                print "You chose scissors. You win!"            else:                print "That's not an option. Choose again."        else:            print "AI chose scissors."            if humanchoice == 1:                print "You chose rock. You win!"            elif humanchoice == 2:                print "You chose paper. You lost!"            elif humanchoice == 3:                print "You chose scissors. Tie game."            else:                print "That's not an option. Choose again."    elif answer == 2:        break    else:        print "That's not an option."print "Goodbye."[/code]
Nathan Pinno
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