[Tutor] how do i access object

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Thu Jan 4 02:41:45 CET 2007

"Ketan Maheshwari" <kmaheshw at science.uva.nl> wrote

> of this class created using a constructor. The constructor 
> essentially
> creates the circles and the update mathod makes them move randomly.
> However, at each updation, I want to access each circle to know its
> coordinates. At the moment I am not able to do that.

The circles are stored in a list called items.

You can iterate over the items printing out their centres:

for circ in items:
    print circ.getCentres()

Where getCentres is a mrethod you will need to write
and add to Circle! :-)

> class Circle:
>    def __init__(self, canvas, xy, ink, delta):
>    def __call__(self):
>    def move(self):
> root = Tk()
> canvas = Canvas(frame, width=200, height=200, bd=0, 
> highlightthickness=0)
> canvas.pack()
> items = [
>    Circle(canvas, (60, 70), "blue", 1),
>    Circle(canvas, (100, 120), "green", 1),
>    ]

>        for i in range(len(items)):
>            items[i] = items[i]()

As is done here except it would be prettier done as

for i in items:


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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