[Tutor] Any Good book for python

stv stvsmth at gmail.com
Thu Jan 4 15:17:59 CET 2007

> I am new in Python area and want to know Python concepts with more deatils.
> Please suggest some good books on python.

Beginning Python, by Hetland is excellent for almost any level (I
think someone who has really mastered one language, and is currently
working as a programmer, can simply read Guido's tutorial & use the
online docs).

Hetland doesn't talk down to beginner, non-programmer types, nor does
he hide hard stuff; he makes it accessible. It also talks about how to
program in general, how to attack problems, test, have fun.It's well
indexed and organized, so it's a good reference for the noob, but as
yo gain experience with Python you will migrate to the on-line docs. I
have to say, however, that in the first weeks I used the book as a
reference more than I used the on-line docs.

Diving into Python, by Pilgrim has a lot of respect. It's available on-line

It is a Python book for "experienced programmers." Which, I assume,
means experienced non-Python programmers.

I learn via immersion research & doing, I've read a lot of computer
books, and Hetland's is really quite good. I'll read Pilgrim's book in
the near future.

In general (with the notable exception of the Plone book) I've found
the Apress materials excellent. (Both books happen to be Apress, no
I'm not affiliated in any way).


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