[Tutor] coin toss program without using the for/range loop

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Fri Jan 5 01:12:05 CET 2007

David wrote:
> How to write the coin toss program without using the for/range loop program.
> Program flips a coin 100 times and then tells you the number of heads 
> and tails.
> I can only solve it using the for/range loop
> Import random
>   Heads=0
>   For 1 in range (100):
>   Heads+=random.randrange(2)
> print “Hit heads”+” “+str(heads)+” “+”times”+” “ + “hit tails” + “ 
> “+str(100-heads)+” “ + “times”
> I don’t see how you solve this program just using the while loop program 
> and if/else statement.

This sounds a lot like homework so I won't give you the whole answer, 
but you can write a for loop using while and a counter variable.


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