[Tutor] Need help with rewriting script to use Decimal module
Terry Carroll
carroll at tjc.com
Fri Jan 5 08:21:26 CET 2007
On Wed, 3 Jan 2007, Dick Moores wrote:
> Be that as it may, farey() is an amazing program.
Not to beat this subject to death, but the comment at the bottom of
http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/52317 about
continued fractions piqued my interest. I'm no mathematician, but I
encountered continued fractions a long time ago and was fascinated by
them. So I read the URL pointed to,
http://mathworld.wolfram.com/ContinuedFraction.html , and came up with the
def cf(x, tol=0.0001, Trace=False):
Calculate rational approximation of x to within tolerance of tol;
returns a tuple consisting of numerator and denominator p/q
Trace=True causes iterated results to be shown
a, r, p, q = [], [], [], []
Done = False
n = 0
if Trace: print "x:%f tol:%f" % (x, tol)
while not Done:
if n == 0: r[n] = x
else: r[n] = 1/(r[n-1]-a[n-1])
a[n] = int(r[n])
if n == 0:
p[n] = a[0]
q[n] = 1
elif n ==1:
p[n] = a[n]*p[n-1] + 1
q[n] = a[n]
p[n] = a[n]*p[n-1] + p[n-2]
q[n] = a[n]*q[n-1] + q[n-2]
if Trace:
print "n:%d a:%d p:%d q:%d approx:%f" % \
(n, a[n], p[n], q[n], float(p[n])/q[n])
if abs(float(p[n])/q[n] - x) < tol:
Done = True
num = p[n]; denom = q[n]
n += 1
return (num, denom)
Here's a result for pi:
>>> print cf(3.14159265357989,0.0000001, Trace=True)
x:3.141593 tol:0.000000
n:0 a:3 p:3 q:1 approx:3.000000
n:1 a:7 p:22 q:7 approx:3.142857
n:2 a:15 p:333 q:106 approx:3.141509
n:3 a:1 p:355 q:113 approx:3.141593
n:4 a:292 p:103993 q:33102 approx:3.141593
(103993, 33102)
i.e., the first 5 approximations it came up with were 3/1, 22/7, 333/106,
355/113 and a whopping 103993/33102.
For the 0.36 example you used earlier:
>>> print cf(0.36, .01, Trace= True)
x:0.360000 tol:0.010000
n:0 a:0 p:0 q:1 approx:0.000000
n:1 a:2 p:1 q:2 approx:0.500000
n:2 a:1 p:1 q:3 approx:0.333333
n:3 a:3 p:4 q:11 approx:0.363636
(4, 11)
it went right from 1/3 to 4/11 (0.363636), skipping the 3/8 (0.375) option
from the farey series.
But this continued fraction algorithm is ill-suited to answer the question
"what's the closest fraction with a denominator < N", because it doesn't
try to find that, it jumps further ahead with each iteration.
Anyway, I thought you might find it interesting based on our discussion.
(Yeah, I know, I didn't choose the formats well on those print
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