[Tutor] removing padded numbers

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Thu Jan 11 03:43:28 CET 2007

Christopher Spears wrote:
> Does anyone how to remove padded numbers with python? 
> I want to be able to take a file like
> afile.0001.cin
> and convert it to
> afile.1.cin

The straightforward way is just to pick it apart and put it back 
together the way you want it:

 >>> a, b, c = 'afile.0001.cin'.split('.')
 >>> '%s.%s.%s' % (a, b.lstrip('0'), c)

Or if you prefer, here is an obscure one-liner using the ability of 
re.sub() to take a callable as the replacement argument. (That is a 
pretty cool feature but overkill here...) This one replaces any run of 
digits with the same digits with leading zeros removed:

 >>> import re
 >>> re.sub(r'\d+', lambda m: m.group().lstrip('0'), 'afile.0001.cin')


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