[Tutor] it is about definitions

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Tue Jan 16 17:17:06 CET 2007

On Tue, 16 Jan 2007, Andreas Kostyrka wrote:

> * emilia12 at mail.bg <emilia12 at mail.bg> [070116 15:19]:
>> is there a difference between:
>> class foo:
>> and
>> class foo():
> This is a SyntaxError.

Hi Andreas,

We should ask Emilia why she's asking this question. This particular 
problem sounds way too close to a homework question for my comfort.  A 
more cautious approach might be better.

We can point out:


If Emilia is a CS student, then pointing out the grammar at:


would probably be helpful too.

Best of wishes!

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