[Tutor] question about object oriented programming and inheritance using datetime module

Terry Carroll carroll at tjc.com
Tue Jan 16 20:14:46 CET 2007

On Mon, 15 Jan 2007, Kent Johnson wrote:

> tpc at cryptic.com wrote:
> > My class inherits from the date class, but I 
> > have to type 'from datetime import date' before I can initialize the 
> > class definition.  Is there some way to avoid this ? 
> No, and really there is no reason to want to avoid this. You have to 
> import any external module that you want to use directly. Imports are 
> very common in Python code and there is no reason not to use them.

I had a similar issue when I started Python, so I think I know what tpc
may be after.

My thought was that I did not want to do the import if the class was not 
actually going to be used.

I was really thinking about it the wrong way, though.  Really, I would not 
want to do the import unless the class was going to be *defined* for use.  
The right approach here is to put the class into a module, and the import 
statement into the new module as well.

Then, a program that needs to use the class imports the module; and that 
module, only if it is imported, imports the classes on which it depends.

In this case, tpc's class might be defined in a MyDateStuff.py module,
which contains:

import datetime

class age_calculator(datetime.date):


Then, when he imports MyDateStuff, it imports datetime and defines 

I second Kent's concerns over this, though.  It sounds like age_calculator
is really a method that uses datetime.date; not a subclass of

The question you should ask is: will an age_calculator object actually 
also be a date object?  If so, subclassing makes sense.  Otherwise, think 
of using a method.

Put another way, you should think of a statement like 

   class age_calculator(datetime.date):

as meaning "define a new class named age_calculator; an age_calculator
object is a type of date object."

An example is if you wanted to create a "birthdate" class, which was just 
like a regular date, but also included the birthstone that corresponded to 
the date.  We could create a "birthdate" module that included a 
"Birthdate" class:


import datetime

class Birthdate(datetime.date):

    def __init__(self, year, month, day):
        stones = ["Garnet", "Amethyst", "Aquamarine",
          "Diamond", "Emerald", "Perl",
          "Ruby", "Python", "Sapphire",
          "Opal", "Topaz", "Turquoise"]
        self.birthstone = stones[month-1]


We could create a Birthdate object like this:

>>> import birthdate
>>> z = birthdate.Birthdate(1971, 7, 12)

Note, it has the birthstone for July:

>>> z.birthstone

It also has inherited the other attributes and methods of the standard
datetime.date class on which it was based:

>>> z.isoformat()

Because a birthdate is after all, just a particular kind of date; and the 
Birthdate class is just a particular kind of date class.

But in your case, with a name like "age_calculator", it doesn't sound like 
an "age_calculator" is a kind of date.  It sounds like a thing that 
calculates ages.

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