[Tutor] dealing with 406 HTTP response (fwd)

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Wed Jan 17 03:27:31 CET 2007

> Danny - thanks! it works though I am not sure I fully understand what i 
> did :-)

Hi Tsila,

When you have time, you may want to take a closer look at how HTTP works. 
Here's one place you can look:


If you are writing applications for HTTP, you should have a good idea of 
basic fundamentals.  Otherwise, your code may look weird.

> I am iverriding teh opener class with my fancy one, then creatign an 
> opener instance of it, and then i am specifying the addheader method you 
> mentioned. is that the right way to do it (well - it works) - and what 
> did i just do in terms of class overriding ?

Without seeing what you're doing in terms of code, I can't say anything 
really concrete.  I do not know what you mean by "overriding", because I 
don't know what your understanding is.  In other words, I don't know if 
we've come to terms yet.  Show the group the code you've written, and we 
can continue from there.

(I hesitate to say anything because what you're saying about class 
overriding sorta sounds like you've done inheritance, but other things 
that you say aren't meshing with what I'm expecting.  Better to see what's 
actually happening rather than take a guess...)

By the way, when you reply to messages on Tutor, please use your email 
client's "Reply to All" feature.  It'll keep the rest of the group in the 
loop and give others the chance to respond.

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