[Tutor] Purging/deleting the logfile with the logging module

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Wed Jan 31 04:30:08 CET 2007

Tony Cappellini wrote:
>  > *close*(      )
>      >
>      >     Tidy up any resources used by the handler. This version does
>     nothing
>      >     and is intended to be implemented by subclasses.
>      >
>      > How can I purge/delete & reopen the logfile?
>      >>FileHandler has a close() method that presumably does something
>     useful.
> see above-
> It says it does nothing, but it does close the file. This is the first step.

The docs for FileHandler.close() say, "Closes the file."
> Will see what the socket handler does.

I'm not suggesting that you use SocketHandler, only that the example on 
that page might be useful. Use FileHandler instead of SocketHandler.

> thanks

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