[Tutor] Automating Windows (Maintenance)

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Tue Jul 3 09:01:13 CEST 2007

"Tiger12506" <keridee at jayco.net> wrote

> The cleanup temp files is more difficult. It depends on how much you 
> want to
> do. Usually it is sufficient to delete the contents of the 
> windows/temp
> folder. This will delete cookies, temporary files, internet temp 
> files that
> are commonly cleaned up by sys admin. So you can add  os.system('del 
> /s /f
> /s /q C:\windows\temp\*')

For deleting files you get more control doing it from within Python.
os.remove() will  delete files.

> For checking processes, you can search for a tool on the internet 
> that lists
> currently running processes.

Again this kind of thing can be done with the _winreg module for
reading the registry. (or using WSH)

> If you are really interested in a program that does this, I could be
> encouraged to write one for you (in C) - Although, it would most 
> certainly
> be better to find api s that allow you to do this in python. Google.

All the windows APIs are available to Python, no C required.
See the recent threads on mouse events for more on that topic.

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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