[Tutor] backslashes

Luke Paireepinart rabidpoobear at gmail.com
Sun Jul 8 22:14:26 CEST 2007

max . wrote:
> hello i am writing a simple password tester that uses a word list and 
> am running into some problems when i read the words from a text file 
> they are written to the screen with a backslash at the end and i cant 
> seem to find a way to get rid of them
> here is the script:
> __name__="dictionary password tester"
> __author__="max baseman (dos.fool at gmail.com <mailto:dos.fool at gmail.com>)"
> __version__="0.1"
> __discription__="tests a password against a dictonary"
> #############################################################
> print
> print
> password=raw_input("password >")
> passlist=open("/Users/max/passlist.rtf","r") # passlist is just a list 
> of 50,000 words
This is almost definitely the problem.
.rtf is 'rich text formatting' which, depending on which program wrote 
it (word pad / Microsoft Word / etc)
contains various degrees of markup / formatting mixed in with the text.
If you want straight text, don't try to process the rtf and remove the 
Just save your file as a .txt (or anything else - just so long as the 
program that's actually saving it knows
to save it as straight ascii without any markup.)
> guesses=0
> for line in passlist:
>     line=line.replace('\ ','') #heres what i was trying now
>     guesses=guesses+1
>     line=line.lower()
>     print line
>     if line==password:
>         print
>         print
>         print"you password was",line,"and it took",guesses,"guesses"
>         break
> p.s i am about to look up how to type to python and not show the text 
> for the password bit but if anyone knows please explain
> any help would be great thanks
try this link: http://docs.python.org/lib/module-getpass.html


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