[Tutor] I/O error (?)

Tiger12506 keridee at jayco.net
Wed Jul 11 19:48:29 CEST 2007

> no, no, the values are coming from all over the place, so having to 
> remember
> which member of the list that function is tied to may be more of a 
> headache
> I get the technique though

Would you do us a huge favor in helping you and send us your code, the code 
where these values are coming from all over the place? Perhaps we can help 
come up with a much more efficient solution.

I personally read this sentence and thought maybe that you have found one of 
the uses of dynamic variables, but this still seems unlikely. If you have 
not found one of those uses, then my gut is telling me that you are 
approaching this from the wrong angle.

However, I can't tell for sure. And since the other suggestions do not seem 
to suit your tastes (see above quote) then perhaps we can save you a lot of 
typing/work by showing you another way.


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