[Tutor] tutor

Tiger12506 keridee at jayco.net
Mon Jul 16 17:47:49 CEST 2007

> please think about your first programming class, and then think about how
> long it took the prof to teach the concept of array.
> yes, it's about a week, if he is really good.

[gentle rant]
Yes, and I find that most idiots in math classes NEVER gain the concept of
multiplying fractions (longer than a week - 2 years for my peers). Very
simple. Multiply the top numbers together. Multiply the bottom numbers
together. But can they understand? No. They "learn" by mimicking, like a
monkey. They don't think. They don't understand. And they can't follow rules
or *syntax*, that *documentation* provides. And the worst part: They don't
try. All they can do is produce the same result - give the answer that
someone else provides. That is the world today.
[/gentle rant]

If the "prof" is good, it will take ten minutes to explain the concept of an
array. Having said that, it is usually not the professor nor the language
that is the problem: it's the student. The student *must* be willing to
learn. The student *must* be willing to study material. If someone
references tutorials, then the student *must* be willing to read and work
through those tutorials. These list members are not providing links for no
reason. They have provided many tutorials for beginner programmers. They
have provided many links for people who have never seen what a programming
language is before in their life. *If* you can say that you have honestly
read, worked, and asked questions about those tutorials, and you still don't
have the fundamentals, then perhaps programming is not for you. The problem
is - you have to work ALL THE WAY THROUGH THEM. You cannot expect to write
files, for example, if you've read the first chapter that tells you how to
print "Hello World".  And you would not know how to add to a formatting
string unless you read the next part of the tutorial for example.

I apologize for my harshness. But the statement about my first programming
class, and arrays, and a week... @!#$%   I am not lucky enough to be able to
pay for a programming class. And yet using the same tutorials that those on
the list have quoted I learned python well enough to do what you are
attempting in a few days. Granted, I couldn't write GUI apps using Tkinter, 
but I TRIED. And I listened to the advice of Alan, Kent, Danny, and the 
others when they said I should read this or that tutorial. And no. I didn't 
have ANY previous programming
experience. If it really takes professors a week to teach the concept of an
array, then they should be sacked and replaced with one of the excellent
tutorials these list members have mentioned.


PS - if you had read those tutorials through, you would understand that this
f.write("\"%s\"" % title) --which someone on the list gave to you--  
provided the
answer to this:

organge = 5

f.write( "there are orange "florida" oranges on the counter")

which should be

orange = 5
f.write("there are %s \"florida\" oranges on the counter" % orange)

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