[Tutor] Serve a file using http

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Wed Jul 18 12:09:14 CEST 2007

Sebastian Lara wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm using a SimpleXMLRPCServer to update a file remotely from a simple
> xml-rpc python client.  After that, I need to serve this file but I
> don't know if I can do this with SimpleXMLRPCServer or if I need
> another server.

If you want to serve the file over HTTP so it is visible in a browser 
you will need another server. If your needs are simple then 
SimpleHTTPServer, in the standard library, may work for you. If you need 
more functionality then you should look at the other HTTP servers 
available for Python such as CherryPy and Karrigell.


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