[Tutor] Running two different python applications from one module

Norman Khine norman at khine.net
Sat Jun 2 10:29:32 CEST 2007

I would like to write a script using python 2.5 to interact with a Zope
application that is running on python 2.4.3

Can I call the python 2.4.3 module from within the python 2.5, if so how?

For example, my script is in /home/me/python2.4/create.py

and within my /home/me/python2.5/servers.py

When running server.py I would like to run the create.py and then
continue with my application in the python2.5

Can someone show me an example from the interpreter or as a module that
does this.

Hope this makes sense ;)

Many thanks


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