[Tutor] Engarde program was: i++

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Thu Jun 7 09:44:39 CEST 2007

"David Heiser" <David.Heiser at intelliden.com> wrote 
> def is_yes(question):
>     while True:
>         try:
>             s = raw_input(question).lower()[0]
>             if s == 'y':
>                 return True
>             elif s == 'n':
>                 return False
>         except:
>             pass     ## This traps the condition where a user just
> presses enter
>         print '\nplease select y, n, yes, or no\n'

What value do you think the pass adds over just having 
the print statement inside the except block? So far as I can 
tell they will both do exactly the same so the pass is 
not needed. Or am I missing something here?

Alan G.

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