[Tutor] sockets

Linus Nordström linus at linusnordstrom.com
Mon Jun 18 00:46:26 CEST 2007

I'm trying to rewrite a chat-program i did in school this spring in
python, the school program was in java. All this to leran python.

Anyway. I m trying to send a message using udp to a server that
conntains the message 3 0 0 0, it has to be in network byte order and
unsigned. I have tried to send it like a string "3000" but get an
error message from the server saying that it did recive 4 bytes, but
that it was an unknown message

So what i am wondering is if there are anny special byte arrays, or
some thing i should use. or if there are anny other way than to send
the message than a string.

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