[Tutor] Python and XSI

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Mon Jun 18 17:09:35 CEST 2007

"Vishal Jain" <vishal.thebigv at gmail.com> wrote

> I am trying to get Python registered with XSI but
> everything described in docs failed.

OK, I'm assuming that XSI is the 3D Graphics software from Avid?

Can you tell us which docs and what exactly 'failed' means?
What did you do and what actually happened?
Any error messages?

> C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\win32comext\axscript\client\pyscript.py

ISTR that as being the script for registering Python as an
Active Scripting language for WSH and the IE ActiveX engine.

I assume from that, that XSI uses active scripting?

What did you expect to happen after running it?
And what did happen?

> still no luck. Is anybody else also facing the same situation? I am 
> not very
> sure how many people here uses Python for XSI but still hoping to 
> get some

I had to do a Google search...
You might have more luck on the main comp.lang.python list or
maybe even in the pyGame list. This group is for beginners to Python
and XSI looks a tad advanced for most beginners, going by the couple
of pages I browsed. OTOH there is usually somebody here with an
interest in most things...

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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