[Tutor] how can I compare a local directory or file with a remote one

Reed O'Brien reed at reedobrien.com
Thu Jun 21 20:45:21 CEST 2007

On Jun 21, 2007, at 9:06 AM, Lloyd Kvam wrote:

> On Wed, 2007-06-20 at 23:51 -0400, Reed O'Brien wrote:
>> On Jun 20, 2007, at 2:03 PM, Richard Querin wrote:
>>> I'm interested in writing a quick script that would run a diff-type
>>> command that would compare a local directory to a remote one to
>>> identify the changes in the files within that directory.
>>> I was initially thinking that I would maybe use the linux diff  
>>> command
>>> in conjunction with the wget command (or something similar) to  
>>> create
>>> a local copy but that involves downloading files. Is there any  
>>> way in
>>> python to do a similar thing but without having to download a  
>>> copy of
>>> the remote files/directories?
>>> Any ideas?
>> At first blush it sounds to me like you want rsync, as has been
>> pointed out.  If on of the systems is running an OS that doesn't come
>> with rsync... I have used http://www.vdesmedt.com/~vds2212/rsync.html
>> to achieve the same result.
> I downloaded the file from the web site, but was disappointed to see
> that there appears to be no support for any network transport.  It
> simply operates on locally mounted directories.  I only did a cursory
> scan of the source code.  Did I miss something?
> Certainly the program provides useful example code for file  
> comparisons,
> but it does not appear to directly support any kind of remote
> processing.
> When I need to deal with Windows computers, I sorely feel the lack of
> ssh, rsync, and sshfs.

It has been a couple years since I have used it, but I am sure I did  
it across a network via SMB.  I no longer work there, so I  
unfortunately don't have access to what I did.

I remember it being over a network because the www server was  
separate from the backup server.  I may have done it on the Windows  
machine and had the remote N*X SMB mounted as a network drive. I  
think I also used putty on a Windows server to make an ssh tunnel to  
work over at another project.

To my great fortune I don't currently have to deal with windows at  
all (currently).


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