[Tutor] Hi,every one

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sat Jun 23 02:11:53 CEST 2007

"Yang Yang" <Yang at pyboo.com> wrote 

>i am a newman for python world

Are you new to programming? 
Or are you just new to python?

The answer to that question will affect the 
answers to the next.
> 1.what is the best book for python study.

Depends on above.
If you are brand new to programming I 
recommend you follow some of the online 
tutorials before buying a book.


You might even like mine! :-)

If you can program then start with the official 
tutorial on python.org then try one of several 
more advanced books:

Programming Python by Lutz
Dive into Python (available online)
Python Cookbook (common recipes)

Python in a Nutshell (best reference book)
Python Essential Reference (a close second)

And there are several good specialist books if 
you have a particular area of interest:

Python Network Programming
Text Processing in Python
and others:
TurboGears & Django web frameworks
TKinter, wxPython and pyQt GUI toolkits all have books
XML, Win32 etc etc.

> 2.what's is the better IDE for python

Thats a religious question with strong views.
People have different styles.
Start with IDLE or Pythonwin, see whats missing 
and find something that fills your needs.

Eclipse with PyDev and SPE are both striongly 
recommended by their fans. The former needs 
a powerful PC.

I still prefer a combination of:
pyCrust shell and 
an OS console


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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