[Tutor] httpd in your laptop?!? serve web pages and wikis in your notebook?

Chris Hengge pyro9219 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 1 23:30:49 CET 2007

I was using Abyss web server for a long time since it has multi-OS support
and a friendly web based UI for administration. Seemed extremely light
weight to me.

On 2/27/07, Luke Paireepinart <rabidpoobear at gmail.com> wrote:
> Kirk Bailey wrote:
> > ok, I realized  SOME TIME BACK that to run MANY THINGS in your windows
> > computer you need a server in there- and a nice SMALL one if it is going
> > to coexist with everything else going on.
> You need a server for what now?
> Web pages?  FTP? SVN?
> I can't think of much else.
> I run apache and ftp services on my windows machine, and they're
> using... let me check...
> 4 MB of ram for the FTP server, and 4.6 MB of ram for Apache.  neither
> of these are considered 'lightweight' apps.  Both are fully-featured.
> Neither are listed as using more than 0% CPU.
> My IM client uses 14 MB, my music program uses 32 MB, my browser is
> using 63 MB, and my e-mail client is using 47 MB.
> I would consider Apache fairly resource-friendly, compared to these
> other apps.  Not to mention it's used on over 50% of EVERY web server,
> so I'm pretty sure it's reliable.  And I don't see a need to use
> anything else.  If your software asked me to install some obscure web
> server I've never heard of, I would probably cancel the installation and
> forget about it, for fear it would interfere with my already-established
> Apache server.
> >  I found one in python, and
> > posted it, and it caused a stirr.
> I don't know what you're referring to, maybe it was before I joined the
> list.
> >  Well, I found a LISTING of them, and
> > tried all the more promising ones. here is that page:
> > http://microsoft.toddverbeek.com/phttpd.html
> >
> Can I ask why are you looking into this?
> As far as I can tell, the software you're writing (miniwiki) will be
> served from the client's computer directly to the client's web
> browser.  No actual web stuff is necessary, right?
> I don't understand why you'd want to make the user have to install
> another webserver to use your program.  You're writing it in Python, why
> not use a Python HTTP server library, and have that included in your
> distribution when you py2exe it?
> It seems by far a better solution.
> JMO,
> -Luke
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