[Tutor] geeks like us and the rest of THEM

Kirk Bailey deliberatus at verizon.net
Sun Mar 4 05:31:57 CET 2007

Andrei wrote:
> <snip>
>> That's part of it. a good installer is another, and I am loo]king at a 
>> couple.  A solid and drool-proof server is the remaining leg of the 
>> tripod. So far, none of the servers I have seen are satisfactory on all 
>> scores- simplicity to install, reliability, economy of cost, (free or 
>> unlimited license to me for a modest fee) and ease to configure if the 
>> use\r so wishes. the closest I have yet seen SMALL HTTP SERVER. And it 
>> is very good.
>> http://smallsrv.com/
> You could have a look at Aprelium's Abyss server (X1, which is freely 
> distributable in unmodified form IIRC, but closed source). It has a good 
> looking webbased configuration console and is cross-platform if you ever 
> need that. However, you'll probably end up digging in its config 
> programmatically to set up paths and such for the user - shouldn't be 
> too hard using some webscraping if the files are not readily modifiable. 
> Its setup is about 350 kB.
I did. good, but fairly large and noticible impact on cycles as well as 
memory. smallserve is lighter, and tinyweb lighter yet- and it's terms 
of use let one include it with commercial products free. and I have yet 
to throw aqnything at it in spite of it's compact wtructure it could not 
deal with.
> In terms of installers, NSIS (with the package to make it look modern, 
> instead of that awful default look - forgot its name) or InnoSetup are 
> the usual suspects. NSIS has a smaller overhead, but an uglier language.
both look interesting, inno looks like a faster learning curve.

	-Kirk Bailey
          | BOX |


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