[Tutor] executing a string representing python code

Cecilia Alm ebbaalm at uiuc.edu
Tue Mar 6 20:14:04 CET 2007

Hm, I'm not sure I see your point. Could an evil hacker not just as easily
change the dictionary in the python code (or somewhere else in the code) to
perform such evil operations?


2007/3/5, ALAN GAULD <alan.gauld at btinternet.com>:
> > That's neat. When just the function call is the string,
> > eval() seems appropriate. (For example, if reading what
> > function to call from a file.)
> Its conventient but incredibly dangerous.
> Its much better in that case to create a dictionary of allowed
> (ie safe!) functions that can vbe read and then look that up
> from the file input.
> Otherwise anyone who can access the file (legitimately or
> otherwise) can start calling any of the standard Python functions,
> including os.unlink() to delete files, or even os.system(), to do
> just about anything - howsabout formatting your disk?
> ok_funks = {
>       'some_func' : some_func,
>       'another_func': another_func,
>       'some_fancy_name': sys.exit
> }
> func = raw_input('type a function name>')
> try: ok_funks[func']()
> except: print 'Thats not a valid function'
> eval and exec are seductively powerful but they are immensely
> dangerous in a world of crackers and virus makers. They should
> only ever be used in strictly controlled scebnarios and even then
> as a last resort.
> HTH,
> Alan G.
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E. Cecilia Alm
Graduate student, Dept. of Linguistics, UIUC
Office: 2013 Beckman Institute
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