[Tutor] Roman Numeral - To - Digital Converter

Luke Paireepinart rabidpoobear at gmail.com
Mon Mar 12 03:45:21 CET 2007

Alan Gilfoy wrote:
> Roman Numeral - To - Digital Converter
> So far, I'm coming along OK with the code that runs the conversions,  
> assuming the user gives me a proper input. (A string of capital  
> letters I, V, X, L, C, D, M)
> However, not every input someone gives the function is goign to be  
> properly formatted like that.
> So:
> 1. How do I have my function "screen" an input string for characters  
> that aren't I,V,X,L,C,D or M?
> 2. If any of the characters in the string are merely lowercase  
> i,v,x,l,c,d, or m, how would I tell Python to capitalize those and go  
> on with working the function?
 >>> 'heLlo'.upper()
 >>> print 'i' in 'hilly'
 >>> print 'i' in 'holy'

I hope that gives you some clues.

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