[Tutor] Squlite3 problem

Jason Massey jason.massey at gmail.com
Tue Mar 13 13:13:54 CET 2007

I found a similar discussion on the pysqlite mailing list (

Try committing your changes and then closing your cursor.


On 3/13/07, Jim Roush <ja_roush at mminternet.com> wrote:
> I'm geting the following error message and I'm stumped
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:\markets\source\QuantScan\QuantScan4_3.py", line 1362, in
> <module>
>     db.close()
> sqlite3.OperationalError: Unable to close due to unfinalised statements
> Here 's the relevant code
>     db = sqlite.connect('c:/markets/db/market_2.db')
>     cur_stocks = db.cursor()
>     cur_quant = db.cursor()
>     cur_subind = db.cursor()
>     # update ROC table in db
>     print '\nupdate ROC table in db...\n'
>     cur = db.cursor()
>     cur.execute("delete from subind_ROC")
>     for row in range(0, num_of_subinds):
>         (subind, si_ROC_10, si_ROC_10_1, si_ROC_10_2, si_ROC_20,
> si_ROC_20_1, \
>             si_ROC_20_2, si_ROC_30, si_ROC_30_1, si_ROC_30_2) =
> si_ROC[row]
>         cur.execute("INSERT INTO subind_ROC (subind, ROC_10, ROC_10_1,
> ROC_10_2, ROC_20, ROC_20_1, ROC_20_2, ROC_30, ROC_30_1, ROC_30_2) Values
> (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", (subind, si_ROC_10, si_ROC_10_1, si_ROC_10_2,
> si_ROC_20, si_ROC_20_1, si_ROC_20_2, si_ROC_30, si_ROC_30_1, si_ROC_30_2))
>     cur.close()
>     db.commit()
>     db.close()
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