[Tutor] Roman to digital (pseudocode)

Bob Gailer bgailer at alum.rpi.edu
Tue Mar 13 22:08:14 CET 2007

Deep breath .... and big step back.

The problem is not just how to code this in Python, but how to parse a 
language (in this case Roman Numbers).

I have studied formal language theory but am not an expert. So here's my 
take on an algorithm that would save a lot of stress.

Create a dictionary with
    keys for each roman letter and each "pair" (iv, ix, xl, xc, etc)
    values are the corresponding decimal values.
Starting at the left of the roman_input and repeating until the end of 
the roman_input
  Take the next pair of roman_input.
  If it is in the dictionary
    add the decimal value and step to the next letter.
    take the leftmost letter of that pair
    If it is in the dictionary
      add the decimal value and step to the next letter.
     complain about bad letter

Bob Gailer

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