[Tutor] HTTP file download

Ronaldo ronaldo at netf2r.com
Wed Mar 14 11:56:03 CET 2007

  Hi, Jean

  I've alredy tried this, but it seems that this kind of code just works
when "file" in the url (http://www.somesite.com/file) is an html file.
The thing is that "file" in this case is a text file. For example: if I
try to download the file using a web browser, it asks me for a directory
to save the file.
  Do you have any other idea?


Jean-Philippe Durand wrote:
> Hello Ronaldo,
> Try this :
> import urllib                                       
> mysock = urllib.urlopen("http://www.somesite.com/file") 
> htmlSource = mysock.read()                            
> mysock.close()                                        
> print htmlSource     
> Regards.
> Jean-Philippe DURAND
> 2007/3/13, ronaldo at netf2r.com <mailto:ronaldo at netf2r.com> 
> <ronaldo at netf2r.com <mailto:ronaldo at netf2r.com>>:
>     Hello all,
>     How can I download a file using HTTP?
>     For example:
>     There is a file at: http://www.somesite.com/file. I need to get
>     this file using HTTP from a python script.
>     I'm not sure but I think httplib could be used to do that.
>     Can anyone confirm that? or Can anyone suggest me something else?
>     Thank you?
>     --
>     Ronaldo Z. Afonso
>     Phone: 55+11+82619082
>     www.netf2r.com <http://www.netf2r.com>
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