[Tutor] skipping ahead within a loop
Clay Wiedemann
clay.wiedemann at gmail.com
Thu Mar 15 19:04:22 CET 2007
Thanks, this is not too much information at all. I am always happy with depth.
On 3/15/07, Dave Kuhlman <dkuhlman at rexx.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 15, 2007 at 03:35:27PM +0100, Rikard Bosnjakovic wrote:
> > On 3/15/07, Clay Wiedemann <clay.wiedemann at gmail.com> wrote:
> > > If doing a loop, how can one skip forward a specific amount randomly
> > > determined within the loop?
> >
> > y = 0
> > while y < HEIGHT:
> > linewidth = random(3, 9)
> > # drawlines etc
> > y += linewidth
> >
> > The reason why you cannot alter the for-variable beats me, though.
> The while-statement looks like a good solution to me.
> Two additional points:
> 1. You can alter the for-variable, *but* each time you go to the
> top of the for-loop, that variable is set to the next item from
> the iterator, wiping out any alteration. Because of this, you
> can modify and use that variable within the loop body without
> having to worry about messing up the loop sequence. What Clay
> wants to do is mess with the sequencing of items in the loop.
> 2. The reason that modifying the for-variable does not change the
> sequence of objects processed by the loop is that the
> for-statement is generating a sequence of objects from an
> iterator. In this case the range function creates a list, which
> the for-statement turns into an iterator.
> You don't even *want* to give Clay what he is asking for. He asked
> about being able to jump forward in the loop or sequence. If you
> were able to give him that one, he would come back and ask whether
> he could jump *backward* in the loop.
> For more on iterators, see "Iterator types" at
> http://docs.python.org/lib/typeiter.html. Also see the "iter"
> function in "Built-in functions":
> http://docs.python.org/lib/built-in-funcs.html.
> You can think of the following:
> def test2():
> for item in range(4):
> print item
> as syntactic sugar for this:
> def test1():
> myrange = range(4)
> myiter = iter(myrange)
> try:
> while True:
> item = myiter.next()
> print item
> except StopIteration, e:
> pass
> Hoping this is not TMI (too much information), but sometimes it
> helps to understand what is going on underneath, because the for
> statement and iterators are very general, powerful,
> and elegant features of Python.
> Dave
> --
> Dave Kuhlman
> http://www.rexx.com/~dkuhlman
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