[Tutor] cookie expiration date format

Tim Johnson tim at johnsons-web.com
Sat Mar 17 15:25:04 CET 2007

On Saturday 17 March 2007 08:13, Tim Johnson wrote:
> On Saturday 17 March 2007 02:31, Luke Paireepinart wrote:
> > Tim Johnson wrote:
> > > I'm not clear what datatype is needed here.
> > > Can anyone clarify this for me?
> >
> > Sounds like it's an integer or float, such as returned by time.time()
>  I shouldn't have used the word 'datatype', 'cuz I'm sure that it is a
> string. -having built cookie functions "from scratch" in other languages,
> according to RFC 2965.
>  I think I found what I am looking for at
> http://pleac.sourceforge.net/pleac_python/cgiprogramming.html
> and look for keyword
> time_format
> I'll try and implement later today and report back on success or failure
> Thanks Luke
Here we go....
import datetime
time_format = "%a, %d %b %Y"
expires = "%s" % ((datetime.datetime.now()
				+ datetime.timedelta(-1)).strftime(time_format))
#                                                              ^
#       -1 references previous day  -----------|
Thus the cookie directive in toto looks something like this:
note that it should all on one line so I'm delimiting with two lines of 
Set-Cookie: kbcpCookie=" (password|mypwd)(mylogin)"; 
Domain=.linus.johnson.com; expires=Fri, 16 Mar 2007; Path=/cgi-bin/ 
I don't think the rfc is touchy about spaces following semicolons, but the 
exact format of the date (minutes and seconds optional) is important

Just a comment:
 I've used python for years and am always impressed with the
great amount of resources and the care taken to vet and document libraries, 
but I must say, in the case of the cookies library, module `Cookie', that the
documentation is a bit lacking and could use more, and some examples - as 

Tim Johnson <tim at johnsons-web.com>
Palmer, Alaska, USA

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