[Tutor] Another string question
Jay Mutter III
jmutter at uakron.edu
Fri Mar 23 18:55:28 CET 2007
Thanks again for the assistance.
I have corrected the splitlines error and it works ( well that part
of anyway) correctly now.
On Mar 23, 2007, at 5:30 AM, Andre Engels wrote:
> 2007/3/22, Jay Mutter III <jmutter at uakron.edu>:
> I wanted the following to check each line and if it ends in a right
> parentheses then write the entire line to one file and if not then
> write the line to anther.
> It wrote all of the ) to one file and the rest of the line (ie minus
> the ) to the other file.
> The line:
> print "There are ", count, 'lines to process in this file'
> should give you a hint - don't you think this number was rather high?
> The problem is that if you do "for line in text" with text being a
> string, it will not loop over the _lines_ in the string, but over
> the _characters_ in the string.
> The easiest solution would be to replace
> text = in_file.read()
> by
> text = in_file.readlines()
> in_filename = raw_input('What is the COMPLETE name of the file you
> would like to process? ')
> in_file = open(in_filename, 'rU')
> text = in_file.read()
> count = len(text.splitlines())
> print "There are ", count, 'lines to process in this file'
> out_filename1 = raw_input('What is the COMPLETE name of the file in
> which you would like to save Companies? ')
> companies = open(out_filename1, 'aU')
> out_filename2 = raw_input('What is the COMPLETE name of the file in
> which you would like to save Inventors? ')
> patentdata = open(out_filename2, 'aU')
> for line in text:
> if line[-1] in ')':
> companies.write(line)
> else:
> patentdata.write(line)
> in_file.close()
> companies.close()
> patentdata.close()
> Thanks
> jay
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