[Tutor] passing arguments to a make a graph

Che M pine508 at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 23 23:33:31 CET 2007

>Instead of using the class create an instance(aka object)
>        self.plotPanel = PlotPanel(mypoints,self.notebook1)
>That creates an instance passing the mypoints list in
>to youir init method along with the notebook1 that you
>pass when you create an instance later (see below).

This worked great, thanks!  One question:  you mention that in this way it 
is passing in the mypoints list and also the notebook1.  What I am unclear 
is, why are you allowed to pass in the notebook?  If you look at the 
original class PlotPanel():

class PlotPanel(wx.lib.plot.PlotCanvas):
    def __init__(self, points=[], *args, **kwargs):
        wx.lib.plot.PlotCanvas.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        self.points = points

[some methods deleted]

...in the __init__ function, it has parameters for self, points, *args, and 
**kwargs.  But you are passing it the notebook1, so how does it know which 
"slot" of these four parameters notebook1 refers to?

>See my OOP topic for more on classes, objects etc.

I will look at it, and it should make even more sense given this example.


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