[Tutor] Truncating a Table

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Fri May 11 18:06:24 CEST 2007

Leon Keylin wrote:
> Yep, works if I do it manually, under the same user.

And on other tables? (Just trying to narrow down).
Does this work:

import pymssql

db = pymssql (...)

q = db.cursor ()
q.execute ("CREATE TABLE #a (i INT)")
q.execute ("INSERT INTO #a (i) VALUES (1)")
q.execute ("SELECT * FROM #a")
q.fetchall ()

q.execute ("TRUNCATE TABLE #a")
q.execute ("SELECT * FROM #a")
q.fetchall ()

q.execute ("DROP TABLE #a")


It works ok for me, so there's nothing
fundamentally wrong with the concept.


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