[Tutor] Text matching
Kent Johnson
kent37 at tds.net
Tue May 15 13:42:45 CEST 2007
Gardner, Dean wrote:
> So I took Kents advice and refactored but I have uncovered another
> problem which I am hoping people may be able to help with. I realized
> that the string I was using to identify the end of a record can in some
> cases not be found (i.e. if a commit wasn't reviewed). This can lead to
> additional records being returned.
> Can anyone suggest how I can get round this?
Your sample data doesn't seem to match either the problem you describe
or the code. I suggest looking for the start of a record rather than the
end. At the end of the record-finding loop you will have one last record
still to process in the record list.
> Text file example ( in this case looking for commit 1 would give details
> of commit two also):
> ---- SomeSpec 0000-0001 ----
>> some commit 1
> Reviewed By: someone
> ---- SomeSpec 0000-0002 ----
>> some commit 2
> ---- SomeSpec 0000-0003 ----
>> some commit 1
> Reviewed By: Someone
> Code:
> def searchChangeLog(self,filename):
> uid = self.item.Uid()
> record=[]
> logList=[]
> displayList=[]
> f = open(filename)
> logTextFile="temp.txt"
> """ searched through the changelog 'breaking' it up into
> individual entries"""
> for line in f:
> if ("Reviewed: 000" in line):
> logList.append(record)
> record = []
> else:
> record.append(line)
> """ searches to determine if we can find entries for
> a particualr item"""
> for record in logList:
> for item in record:
> if uid in item:
> displayList.append(record)
> """ creates a temporary file to write our find results to """
> removeFile = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
> logTextFile))
> # if the file exists, get rid of it before writing our new
> findings
> if Shared.config.Exists(removeFile):
> os.remove(removeFile)
> recordLog = open(logTextFile,"a")
> for record in range(len(displayList)):
> for item in displayList[record]:
> recordLog.write(item)
> recordLog.close()
> #display our results
> commandline = "start cmd /C " + logTextFile
> os.system(commandline)
> Dean Gardner
> Test Engineer
> Barco
> Bonnington Bond, 2 Anderson Place, Edinburgh EH6 5NP, UK
> Tel + 44 (0) 131 472 5731 Fax + 44 (0) 131 472 4799
> www.barco.com
> dean.gardner at barco.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kent Johnson [mailto:kent37 at tds.net]
> Sent: 04 May 2007 11:26
> To: Gardner, Dean
> Cc: tutor at python.org
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Text matching
> Gardner, Dean wrote:
>> So here it is....it might not be pretty (it seems a bit un-python like
>> to me) but it works exactly as required. If anyone can give any tips
>> for possible optimisation or refactor I would be delighted to hear
>> from them.
>> Thanks
>> uid = self.item.Uid()
>> record=[]
>> logList=[]
>> displayList=[]
>> f = open(filename)
>> logTextFile="temp.txt"
>> """ searched through the changelog 'breaking' it up into
>> individual entries"""
>> try:
>> while 1:
>> endofRecord=0
>> l = f.next()
>> if l.startswith("----"):
>> record.append(l)
>> l=f.next()
>> while endofRecord==0:
>> if "Reviewed: 000" not in l:
>> record.append(l)
>> l=f.next()
>> else:
>> logList.append(record)
>> record=[]
>> endofRecord=1
>> except StopIteration:
>> pass
> I don't think you need endofRecord and the nested loops here. In fact I
> think you could use a plain for loop here. AFAICT all you are doing is
> accumulating records with no special handling for anything except the
> end records. What about this:
> record = []
> for line in f:
> if "Reviewed: 000" in line:
> logList.append(record)
> record = []
> else:
> record.append(line)
>> """ searches to determine if we can find entries for
>> a particualr item"""
>> for record in logList:
>> currRec = record
>> for item in currRec:
>> if uid in item:
>> displayList.append(currRec)
> The currRec variable is not needed, just use record directly.
> If uid can only be in a specific line of the record you can test that
> directly, e.g.
> for record in logList:
> if uid in record[1]:
>> """ creates a temporary file to write our find results to """
>> removeFile = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
>> logTextFile))
>> # if the file exists, get rid of it before writing our new
>> findings
>> if Shared.config.Exists(removeFile):
>> os.remove(removeFile)
>> recordLog = open(logTextFile,"a")
>> for record in range(len(displayList)):
>> for item in displayList[record]:
>> recordLog.write(item)
> for record in displayList:
> recordLog.writelines(record)
>> recordLog.close()
>> #display our results
>> commandline = "start cmd /C " + logTextFile
>> os.system(commandline)
> Kent
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